Networks & Project — Gender Equality in the Arctic

Networks & Projects

Networks and Projects engaged in issues of gender and equality in the Arctic region.


We encourage every organization, institution and/or project involved in Arctic gender equality, gender issues, youth and/or indigenous peoples issues to contact us so we may expand the Networks and Projects lists, providing a better outreach of such topics.

If you can contribute to these endeavors, we would be very grateful. Please contact Embla at The Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network. We welcome your feedback.




The Arctic Youth Network

The Arctic Youth Network is a global network of youth engaging in Arctic affairs. Through pan-Arctic and international cooperation and capacity-building, the AYN aims to provide aspiring leaders of all genders and cultures with equitable access to the resources they need to advance change their own way on Arctic issues.

Sebastien Molgat | Contact | Website

Gender in the Arctic Research Network, University of Hamburg

The main goal of our research network is to analyse the causes, consequences, dynamics and local variations of changing gender relations in the Arctic.

J. Otto Habeck | Contact | Website


IASSA Working Group "Gender in the Arctic“

In the Arctic, queer identities and issues are rarely discussed in public, especially in Indigenous communities. The workshop examines these experiences and practices from both an academic and activist perspective.

Gertrude Saxinger | Contact | Website

International Arctic Science Committee, Social & Human Working Group

Our scientific interests: Arctic residents and change; histories, perceptions and representations of the Arctic; securities, governance and law; natural resources, use, exploitation and development: past, present, future; human health and well-being.

J. Otto Habeck | Contact | Website


Nordic Co-operation

The Nordic countries have worked together for over four decades to improve gender equality in all aspects of society. Gender equality between the sexes is a condition for the success of the Nordic Model and a pillar of the modern Nordic welfare states.

Anna Rosenberg | Contact | Website


Nordic Information on Gender

Gather and strategically disseminate research, policy, knowledge and practice in the area of gender equality in a Nordic and cross-sectoral perspective.

Contact | Website


The Northern Women Arts Collaborative links academic social science research about traditional women’s work with contemporary artists & artisans.

Michèle Hayeur Smith | Contact | Website


The Directorate of Equality

Among the Directorate‘s various tasks are monitoring of the implementation of the before mentioned acts, informing on equality as well as to conduct training and consulting services to individuals, companies, corporations, and government agencies at all levels.

Katrín Björg Ríkarðsdóttir | Contact | Website

The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association

The focus of our work has been increasing women‘s representation in politics, eradicating gender income inequality, increasing the number of women in the police force and the judicial system.

Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir | Contact | Website


The association is founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations, Métis and Inuit women, girls and gender-diverse people within First Nations, Métis and Inuit Canadian societies.

Contact | Website


Access barriers, such as transportation limitations, family responsibilities, geography, and funding hinder many women from participating in traditional networking. The Women in the Arctic and Antarctic initiative fosters a gender-positive environment to facilitate easily accessible international networking and information sharing.

Danita Burke | Contact | Website

CircumPolar Gender, the Arctic University of Norway

The Network is based on the conviction that gender is one of the keys to an understanding of both polar history and the contemporary cultural and natural processes.

Anka Ryall | Contact | Website


Tradition & Transition Research partnership

Tradition & Transition is a five-year partnership between the Nunatsiavut Government, the self-governing body representing the Inuit of northern Labrador, and Memorial University of Newfoundland. The goal of the partnership is to strengthen both traditional Inuit knowledge and the research being conducted in Nunatsiavut to ensure the continuing vitality of Labrador Inuit culture.

Lisa Rankin | Contact | Website

Arctic Cultures: Sites of Collection in the Formation of the European and American Northlands

ARCTIC CULT investigates the construction of the Arctic that emerged from the exploration of the region by Europeans and North Americans and their contacts with indigenous people from the middle of the sixteenth century, aspiring to establish new understandings of the consequences of colonial representations and decolonial processes for debates about the Circumpolar Arctic today.

Richard C. Powell | Contact | Website

ARCTIC FOCUS is a collaborative, online platform where Arctic explorers, researchers and communities share stories of the Arctic. Hosted by Arctic Research Foundation, stories of science, discovery, culture, conservation and innovation converge to explain one of the most critical, understudied and unknown regions of the world.

Contact | Website


The Arctic Athabaskan Council (AAC) is an international treaty organization established to defend the rights and further the interests internationally of American and Canadian Athabaskan members First Nation governments in the eight-nation Arctic Council and other international fora.

Contact | Website




The NI-MMIWG is a legal process that gathers evidence, and examines and reports on the systemic causes of all forms of violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA individuals.

Contact | Website

Nordic Information on Gender

Nordic Information on Gender Projets

There are several projects on which NIKK works on: Nordic Gender Effect, Online hate and violence, Men and Gender Equality in the Nordic Countries and Part-Time Work in the Nordic Region.

Contact | Website

online Program for UArctic Congress side event "Women of the Arctic"

Building on ongoing academic efforts to better understand gender in the Arctic, Women of the Arctic seeks to carve out a non-academic space for women and girls who work on or live in the Arctic to explore the roles and contributions of women to northern policy-making, research, exploration, art, activism, and daily life.

Malgorzata (Gosia) Smieszek | Contact | Website

Captura de pantalla 2020-02-18 a las 11.04.28.png

The GREENLAND health SURVEY 2018

The Greenland Health Survey 2018 is a study of youth and adults in Greenland, corresponding with the thematic areas in Greenland’s Public Health Program, Inuuneritta II: Diet, smoking, alcohol and hash, and physical activity. Specifically, demographic, regional and social variations in health status, risk factors for disease, social conditions, mental health and disease patterns in the population are examined.

Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen | Contact | Website

Women of the Arctic

Women of the Arctic seeks to fill this critical gap and reach beyond the academic sphere to illuminate the stories and perspectives of a broad range of women.

Malgorzata (Gosia) Smieszek | Contact | Website


Previous Networks & Projects


Femina Borealis - Women and Development in the North

“Femina Borealis - Women and Development in the North” was an international - Barents' region network consisting partners from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia. Founded in 1993. The main aims were: bring forward, mediate and develop knowledge about women's lives, history and visions for the future in the Barents Region; influence the political and economic development in the North. The main activities: discussions and campaigns aimed at women-friendly, culturally pluralistic regional policy; study programmes and courses, including open university and research courses; video conferences. Supports research efforts.